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Create a new wallet

This endpoint will store one or more Bitcoin addresses that will be used to withdraw Bitcoin to. You can either specify an extended public key or a list of addresses. We never store the extended public key but simply derive 500 addresses from it and store those addresses instead.

Request Body
extendedPublicKey string

Extended public key of the wallet.

btcAddresses object[]

List of Bitcoin addresses to be used in the wallet

address string

Bitcoin address

path string

Deriviation path

displayName string

Wallet name used to identify this wallet in the Swan Bitcoin UI (usually this will be your app name)

metadata object

Metadata to be stored with the wallet



id uuid — REQUIRED
isConfirmed boolean
displayName string
btcAddress string

next address that will be used

btcAddresses string[]

list of addresses (used an unused)


Missing or invalid parameters.


Access token is missing or invalid, or access is out of scope.


Invalid extended public key or error deriving addresses from extended public key.